Load-Bearing Elements — Characterization

Oh, so we're actually doing a blog today? Well, yeah. . . . why wouldn't we? I mean, it's New Year's Eve, I figured after last week you'd find some bullshit excuse to get out of posting for another week. While it would be a lie to say that I hadn't considered it, it was more along the lines of skipping last Monday and this Monday and then posting on the Thursdays. Whatever. Did you have a good Christmas? I did. Thank you. What about you? Well, as a rhetorical device I generally don't observe holidays. With the exception of Isocrates's birthday. Isocrates? He was an ancient Greek rhetorician , I was making a joke. Well, we don't have time for jokes. I'm pretty sure that's a lie. Anyway, we haven't done a Load-Bearing Elements since. . . let me check. . . DECEMBER THIRD! I told you you'd been skimping on the work. Well, it's time to rectify that by talking about characters and, more importantly, Characteri...