Hey, Hypothetical Reader! Wanna talk about Steinbeck!

Oh? Thomas Steinbeck , the author of two novels and a collection of stories? Be serious, we're gonna talk about his dad, Nobel laureate, chronicler of the Great Depression, extraordinary describer of California , and someone who's made me cry : John Steinbeck. A (semi-representative) sampling of the works of John Steinbeck. Oh, like in the style of Lucas Blogs About Dick from last year? Yeah, but I think it's more of a Hey, Hypothetical Reader! kinda thing going forward. All right, let's dive in! Okay, so John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr. (1902-1968) is probably best known to American public school students for novels that have become assigned reading standards like Of Mice and Men , The Grapes of Wrath , and East of Eden . Themes that run throughout his work include the beauty of the California landscape and the ugliness of living in poverty in America. In addition to well known novels he was a prolific writer of non-fiction and served as a war correspondent ...