Whan that Julie — Lucas Blogs About the Canterbury Tales: Part 4

A lesser blogger might update this picture to one without glare from the computer screen. I am not a lesser blogger. The Intro Welcome back to Whan that Month — Lucas Blogs About The Canterbury Tales . Last month I wrote about the Man of Law's Tale, a morality play about an unfortunate princess cast adrift at sea and buoyed by the grace of God. This takes up the entirety of the second fragment of The Canterbury Tales in the Ellesmere Manuscript (and my study edition that follows it). The third fragment comprises The Wife of Bath's Tale, The Friar's Tale, and The Summoner's Tale, each with a prologue. But before we begin: The Wait a Minute, What's the Difference Between a Friar and a Monk Again? All right, here's my understanding: monks belong to a monastic order. They live in cloistered communities away from the distractions of society and devote themselves to prayer and worship. They generally support themselves through some sort of industry, ...