Whan That Februarie — Lucas Blogs About The Canterbury Tales: Part 9
The photo will never change! The Intro Welcome back to Whan That Month, my ongoing blog-within-a-blog chronicling my year reading The Canterbury Tales . Last month, I covered the sixth fragment which also happens to contain the last of the tales which I've already read, so from now on I'm in uncharted waters. What does Chaucer have in store for me in the seventh fragment? Well, come aboard matey it's time to discuss— The Shipman's Tale So in St. Denis (a town just north of Paris) there's this wealthy merchant and his wife. His wife loves to party and is a spendthrift. And us girls know that borrowing money can get you in trouble (Chaucer has apparently forgotten that this story is supposedly being told by a man). In any case, the merchant's household frequently hosts daun John (daun is his courtesy title), a monk and bon vivant. So frequent are his visits that John and the merchant call each other "cosin" and John calls the merchant's wife "...