Whan That April . . . Again — Lucas Blogs About The Canterbury Tales: Part 11
That's right, we're using this picture for a second consecutive April. The Intro Well, this is awkward, last year I was pretty sure that I would have this wrapped up in twelve months (although I did skip two months last year, so ‾\_(ツ)_/‾. In any case, welcome to the eleventh entry in Whan That Month, my ongoing project to read the entirety of the extant Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, as collected in the Norton edition by editor David Lawton. Last month I polished off the seventh fragment, and now it's time to start in on the eighth, this one only has two tales, so let's dive right in with: The Second Nun's Prologue There is no linking segment here, no banter among pilgrims or prodding by Harry Bailly, just the Second Nun directly addressing the reader, uh, I mean the pilgrims. She begins by warning about the dangers of idleness, which can lead to vice. However, to counter that, she intends to embark on a translation of the legend of Sainte Cecilye (Cecilia)...