Lucas Blogs About Lysistrata

Oh my! How ribald! Eww. You're one of those people who reads plays? I should have seen this one coming. Yes, I agree that, ideally, I would go to the theater and see actors performing plays, rather than read them. And I may have seen a production of Lysistrata before (it's been a while, it may have been some other Greek comedy). And I'm sure some drama society or another has uploaded their performance to YouTube . But, I saw this at the used bookstore and said, "Sure, why not." A ringing endorsement. So, what's this book's deal? The deal with Lysistrata (trans. Douglas Parker) is that it's a comedy by Aristophanes that was first performed in Athens in 411 BCE. You're probably familiar with the plot, Hypothetical Reader, but I'll humor you. Lysistrata convenes a meeting of the women of Athens with representatives from Thebes, Corinth, Sparta, etc. with the goal of ending the Peloponnesian War . Her plan: the women of Greece will al...