Lucas Blogs About Malice of Crows

I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that it took me three books to catch on to the whole "number of feathres on the cover indicates which book in the series this is" thing. So, what's this book's deal? All right, so the deal with Malice of Crows is that it's the third book in Lila Bowen's The Shadow series. Like Lamont "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?" Cranston the Shadow? Like the Orson Welles radio show or the Alec Baldwin movie? No. The Shadow is a series of fantasy/horror western novels about a Durango Ranger named Rhett Walker (who's gone through a number of previous names, but we'll get to that later). Rhett himself is a shapeshifting monster, that is to say that he looks human but is functionally immortal (unless someone manages to stab him in the heart) and can turn into a bearded vulture (aka a lammergeier) at will. However, to other monsters, Rhett just looks like a normal human (monsters can spot eacho...