Lucas Blogs About the Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs

So, what's this book's deal? You know how rad dinosaurs are, right? Uh, they're only the raddest! This is a book about that. . . well, really about how Dinosaurs evolved in Triassic Period, came to dominate multiple biomes in the Jurassic, and went extinct in the Late Cretaceous. It's written by Steve Brusatte, a paleontologist with a specialty on Theropod dinosaurs, which you may know as the forebears of modern birds (or, more accurately, avian dinosaurs). Rad! Yeah, it's rad. And you know what's really rad? What's really rad? The fact that advancements in science mean that we know a lot more about dinosaurs now than we did when I was a kid. For example? Well, I should say that advancements in science and recent discoveries mean that paleontologists can say things like, "Dinosaurs had feathers for a long time before birds evolved flight," or "Tyrannosaurs may have possessed chimpanzee-like intelligence." Two thin...