Load-Bearing Elements – Prose Style
Hey! Check out these assholes with their well-known books and easily recognized writing styles! You're joking! Usually. . . Wait, what am I joking about? You expect us to just sit here and listen as you wax rhapsodic about being transported by an author's prose? Of course not, Hypothetical Reader. I just wanted to talk about prose style because I often find that it can be a major component of or stumbling block to enjoying a writer's work. But isn't this a little close to the previous Load-Bearing Elements ? The one on narrative voice . I'll grant you that there are similarities, but it's what I felt like writing about when I sat down to write this. Besides, a writer with just about any style can still use just about any narrative voice. Before we jump into any examples, how about you describe my prose style on this blog. You're sure you want this? Yes. Would you mind terribly? Okay, you asked for it. I did. Okay, so you definitely pr...