OOPS! – Part 1


Whaddayamean, "oops?"

I forgot to prepare content for today.

Sorry to let you down. It's just my birthday was this week and I was traveling to visit family and even though I try to keep up a buffer of finished content, I find myself with nothing to post today, so it looks like I'll have to deploy the inOpportune cOntent rePlacement proceSs. Or OOPS for short.

That may well be the most ill-conceived acronym ever constructed. So what exactly is your process for inopportune content replacement?

I'mma blog about my other interests.

So, on a blog entitled "Lucas Blogs About Books" your plan for shoring up gaps in coverage is to blog about things besides books? 

Yup! So, today we'll have a brief discussion about bicycles!


Bicycles!  So, I don't own a car. My primary means of transportation are bicycle, bus, and rides from friends and family. One sticks out as an obvious favorite.

Is it the bus?

No, we're talking about bicycles, obviously my favorite would be bicycles. The bicycle is a fun, efficient way to move yourself and an (admittedly small) amount of cargo from one place to another. It's less expensive than owning a car (both in initial investment and recurring costs), it's more ecologically friendly, and it's an excellent source of low-impact cardio workout. Oh and did I mention that when you commute by bike you never have to worry about forgetting leg day?

I don't think you've ever been more insufferable than you're being right now.

You missed out on my "recite the first 18 lines of The Canterbury Tales in Middle English as a party trick"-phase, Hypothetical Reader.

Wow. Just, wow.

Anyway, it's hard to talk about the benefits of riding a bike without sounding like a judgmental asshole. Look, I know it isn't ideal for everyone, and yes, there are times when I wish I had a car (I do keep my license up-to-date, you know, just in case), but right now my life circumstances allow me to get around on two wheels, and I kinda love it.

So, are you into cycling as a sport?

Nah, although my little brother recently joined his school's mountain biking club and that's pretty cool. No. I enjoy cycling mainly as a means of transportation. I have a 5-mile round trip to work most days and on my days off I like to ride out to the beach or movie theater to enjoy either the warm sunshine or the cool air-conditioning.

So, what'dya ride?

Oh, I just picked up a new bike, it's a Raleigh Redux2. Raleigh bills it as an "urban assault" bike. That mostly seems to mean "we took an old school no suspension mountain bike frame and threw smooth tires on it." Also, its obnoxious yellow color scheme should help increase nighttime visibility.

Pictured: a highly visible, highly rad bike.
Rad bike, bro.

Thanks. I promise I'll have some for real content next week. But, for today, I think this test of the inOpportune cOntent rePlacement procesS went swimmingly.

I thought the first "s" in "process" was supposed to be capitalized.


